Private Treaty Wool Merchants of Australia (PTWMA)
Established in 1971, Private Treaty Wool Merchants of Australia Inc. (PTWMA) represents merchants who purchase wool directly from growers.
PTWMA members operate across most Australian states, providing woolgrowers with flexible selling options, including forward sales on the sheep’s back, on-farm sales at shearing, tender sales, and consignment at store doors. They also cater to small landholders, hobby farmers, and pet sheep owners.
A key achievement of PTWMA is the development and promotion of a standardized Private Treaty Contract, widely supported by wool grower groups.
Recognized by government bodies and industry stakeholders as the national representative for private treaty wool trading, PTWMA ensures its members stay informed about the latest industry developments. The organization is also an active member of major wool industry associations.
Regular meetings are held to discuss industry trends, and new members are always welcome
Board of Directors - 2025
Gary Turner - President
Geoffrey Beath - Vice President
Scott Williams - Executive Director
Executive committee - 2025
Geoffrey Beath
Peter Howie
Tony Kidman
Ben Litchfield
Gary Turner
John Sugars